The new little robot comes with a lot of new upgrades and cool features we are very excited to discover.

Coding in 3 languages and building with LEGO bricks can be found entertaining by anyone, and the producers made sure that we could all have such a fun experience due to its very affordable price, starting from 33$.

Wheel encoders for traveling at precise speeds with a specific distance, longer-range obstacle detection, more battery life are just a few of the many exciting adjustments they made from the old version. 

However, we are not stopping here! Using 2 Edison robots you could transform them into a range of 5 machines: EdTank, EdDigger, EdRoboClaw, EdCrane, and EdPrinter, each of them taking just 15-20 minutes to create and because it is compatible with LEGO bricks, you can add your own touch to the design.

To program the robot, you have to connect it through an audio-jack which is a very unusual and old way to do it, but it works, it is easy and everyone can do it. With EdScratch you can create scripts using blocks with more parameters. EdPy is a text-based programming software based on Python and it is great and easy to understand for any child who wants to code.

To wrap it all up, Edison V2.0 is a very easy, fun and affordable way to get started in robotics. Schools could use them in their classrooms and make more children interested in STEM education.